Continous Household Survey (Northern Ireland)

Published by CSU in 1983

Data Type:Sample survey

Based on a sample of the general population resident in private households across Northern Ireland. A wide range of topics are covered, some particularly relevant to housing which include: Household demographics; Family Demographics; Tenure and accomodation; household migration; car access; Income and benefits; household and individual debt.

One of the largest surveys carried out in Northern Ireland. Designed, conducted and analysed by Central Survey Unit of the Northern Ireland Statistics and Research Agency (NISRA). Designed to provide a regular source of information about social and economic issues relevant to Northern Ireland.


1983 - On-going (Annual)

Dataset Quality

NISRA have produced guidance on sampling error within the survey, specifically, the possibility of non response bias. More information on the methodology and sampling error can be found on the NISRA website:

Dataset Access and Use

Data can be explored online using the UK Data Service Nesstar data open access tool or excel data sheets can be downloaded from NISRA

Appears favourable towards research use


Coverage: Northern Ireland

Units: National

It is unclear whether data is available at a smaller scale than for the whole of Northern Ireland.

Coverage map
