Published by Scottish Government in 1986
Data Type:Administrative
These datasets contain statistics on the number of net new dwellings created by conversions and the number of dwellings demolished.
The conversions table for the most recent financial year provides data back to 1986/87. The most recent release for demolitions provides data back to 1990/91. It is noted that the statistics were collected on a quarterly basis until 2007 when they were incorporated into the Housing Statistics Annual Return.
These are administrative data and therefore offer complete coverage of the 32 local authorities of Scotland. The data are considered high quality. Nevertheless, a Data Quality report is provided with alongside all HSfS statistical releases.
This is administrative data from local authority systems, recorded on the stock 4 returns (previously the S2, S4 and CON1 returns). Part C of the Stock 4 return collects information on Conversions (all tenures).
A freely accessible dataset for 1986-present is available for conversions via the Scottish Government website. A freely accessible dataset for 1990/91 to present is also provided here for demolitions. It is noted that previously published quarterly datasets from prior to 2007 are available via request from
Social and Academic Research is an acknowledged as a use of this data in the Uses of the data report which accompanies the HSfS statistical releases.
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