Family Resources Survey (Northern Ireland)

Published by Department of Social Development (DSD) in 2003

Data Type:Sample survey

3600 addresses are selected out of approximately 751,600 address records. In 2013/14, 1965 households were interviewed face-to-face for the FRS in Northern Ireland representing 62% of the sample. Questionnaire used in Northern Ireland is the same as rest of the UK with some minor amendments, eg council tax payments are discussed as 'rates payments'.Data includes income (including benefits, tax credits and pensions), housing tenure, caring needs, expenditure on housing, employment, and household characteristics.

Within Northern Ireland the FRS is used to support the Households Below Average Income (HBAI) and the Policy Simulation Model used by DSD and DWP to evaluate policy and policy costing.


2003 - On-going (Annual)

Dataset Quality

Subject to weaknesses of a survey including: Sampling error, Non-reponse error, Survey coverage,Sample size. FRS is also known to under-report benefit receipt and income and figures given for savings have the lowest repsonse rate.

Dataset Access and Use

National data about the FRS in Northern Ireland is free to download from DSD webpage as an excel spreadsheet


Coverage: Northern Ireland

Units: Regional

The lowest scale for which data is available is unclear but published data is for the whole of Northern Ireland. There are 3 tables availbe at Local Government District level, these are: Households by state support receipt and Local Government District (LGD), Households by tenure and Local Government District (LGD) and Adults by gender, economic status and Local Government District (LGD)

Coverage map
