Published by Welsh Government in 2004
Data Type:Administrative
Quarterly returns from local authorities. Number of households applying to local authorities for housing assistance. Number of households in temporary accommodation (including accommodation type and household type -Post 2015-16)
Information recorded about homelessness has changed in recent years, doe to the Housing Act (Wales) 2014 which included a number of changes to statutory homelessness legislation. These changes were introduced on 27 April 2015.
The data covers the age and sex of the applicant, not the age and sex of every person in the household. Homelessness data may be subject to seasonal variations, All the figures are rounded independently to the nearest 5 to protect the identity of individuals. More data quality information provided on the Welsh Government's statistic webpages.
Data free to access from the Welsh Government website as PDF report and Excel spreadsheet
Appears favourable to the use of data for research
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