Published by Scottish Government in 1996
Data Type:Administrative
This dataset contains information on housing for older people, those with disabilities and those with supported tenancies. This includes: Local authority stock; Housing association stock; Scottish Homes stock; All stock; Scotland level summary; Provision by local authority area for chosen agency and year
Different figures within the dataset are provided for different timescales: Local authority stock - time series table from 2001 to 2015; Housing association stock - time series table from 2001 to 2013; Scottish Homes stock - time series table from 2001 to 2005; All stock - time series table from 1996 to 2013; Scotland level summary from 2001 to 2013; Provision by local authority area for chosen agency and year (1996-2015)
These are government administrative statistics so offer full coverage. It is noted however that there may be some inconsistency in the way that supported housing is categorised by different local authorities and where local authorities are unable to classify their properties into the categories asked for, they may estimate these figures. A more detailed Data Quality report is provided with alongside all HSfS statistical releases
These data are drawn from RSL and local authority administrative data. Data is collected from local authorities by the Scottish Government and from RSLs by the Scottish Housing Regulator.
A full freely accessible data table is provided via the Scottish Government website.
Social and academic research is an acknowledged use of these statistics according to the 'Use of the data' documentation provided alongside the HSfS releases
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