Data Type:Administrative
The dataset shows how land use has changed in England. Information includes: the nature of the changes, the areas of land affected and the locations of the changes. This Statistical Release focuses on changes to a developed use, in particular to residential development. It presents National Statistics on these changes in land use in England recorded in 2013/14. Statistics on changes within the Green Belt and changes within areas of high flood risk are also presented
The 2013-14 publication of these statistics (published in 2015) used a new methodology so results are not directly comparable to the historical series published between 1989 and 2013, the last year of data being for 2011. Estimates of land use change specifically are calculated in a significantly different manner.
The 2013-14 publication of these statistics (published in 2015) used a new methodology so results are not directly comparable to the historical series published between 1989 and 2013, the last year of data being for 2011. Estimates of land use change specifically are calculated in a significantly different manner. These data are inferred from Ordnance Survey products. There is an inevitable time lag between a land use change occurring and it being recorded and featuring within the Ordnance Surveys' data products. The is an inevitable time lag between land use change and it being recorded. The size of this lag varies, depending on Ordnance Survey's priorities and survey practices. Generally longer lags will be encountered in rural and remote locations.
These are based on national statistics
A freely accessible live table of the data is provided through the DCLG website
Government attitudes to research use of their data appear favourable
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