Published by Northern Ireland Housing Executive in 2014
Data Type:Sample survey
Survey of tenants living in the private rented sector from across Northern Ireland and carried out as a follow up to the 2011 House Condition Survey. Total of 264 tenants living in private rented accommodation identified through the 2011 House Condition Survey and invited to participate in the research participation was incentivised via DIY voucher). Total of 138 surveys completed (face-to-face interview). Response rate: 52%. Topics covered included housing history, future intentions, rents, housing benefit, landlord-tenant relationships and attitudes to living in the private sector.
This was a one off survey but followed up on a similar survey of tenants living in the private rented sector (Northern Ireland) which was undertaken following the 2006 House Condition Survey.
Data quality issues are covered in the findings report available from the NIHE weblink.
textual and numeric data
The research report is free to download from the NIHE website but raw data not provided on the website.
Appears favourable to the use of data for research and indeed this study was conducted by the University of Ulster.
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