Published by Scottish Government in 2001
Data Type:Administrative
This statistical release contains datasets on lettings, evictions, housing lists and vacant stock in local authority dwellings. Vacant stock data includes information on numbers of dwellings awaiting demolition.
Data are produced on a financial year basis.Data on Lettings and Evictions run from 2001-02, Housing Lists run from 2000-01, and Vacant Stock from 1997-98
The data are taken from administrative systems and are thus good quality. The is a coverage issue in the vacant stock data for 2012/13 when Edinburgh was unable to provide complete data. There is an additional data quality issues with the housing lists data. In terms of coverage, the data do not include the 6 local authorities who have transferred their housing stock to housing associations. Additional data quality issues relating to double-counting, a lack of disaggregation to waiting and transfer lists and Common Housing Registers. A detailed breakdown of the data quality issues for these datasets is provided in the Data Quality report which is provided with alongside all HSfS statistical releases
These datasets are drawn from local authority administrative data
Freely accessible datasets for 2001/2-2014/15 are available via the Scottish Government website.
Social and academic research is an acknowledged use of these statistics according to the 'Use of the data' documentation provided alongside the HSfS releases
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