Published by Scottish Government in 1996
Data Type:Administrative
These data tables provide quarterly information on starts and completions across different tenures. a summary table is also provided at the scotland level detailing Affordable Housing Supply
The most recent dataset, provided on the Scottish Government website, contains Local Authority information dating back to 1996. Scottish level summary statistics on sales are provided from 1998. Summary tables of new house building in Scotland date back to 1920.
These are government administrative data and are thus high quality. These statistics offer complete coverage of the 32 local authorities in Scotland and there is therefore no sampling error associate with these statistics. A document detailing quality issues for HSfS statistics is provided alongside releases.
This is administrative data from local authority systems, recorded on the quarterly NB1 and NB2 statistical returns for council and private house building completions, stock 4 returns record changes in housing stock and in stock tenure, and also information from the Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP) (formally Affordable Housing Investment Programme (AHIP)) on housing association new build and refurbishment. It records all new build housing, refurbishments and conversions for housing use. NB2 returns collecting private house building is collected a quarter behind the local authority NB1 return
A full freely accessible data table is provided via the Scottish Government website.
Social and academic research is an acknowledged use of these statistics according to the 'Use of the data' documentation provided alongside the HSfS releases
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