Published by Valuation Office Agency in 2014
Data Type:Administrative
This dataset includes statistics on challenges made by taxpayers (or their representatives) against the 2005 and 2010 local rating lists . It also includes statistics on reviews of rating assessments (known as 'reports') that have either been initiated by the VOA or a local authority, when new information becomes available.
This dataset has undergone a lot of name changes. The dataset was called 'Local Rating List: Business Rates' for 2013-early 2014 and prior to this data were released as two separate datasets for 2010-2012: Local Rating List: Challenges and Local Rating List: Changes
These statistics are appear to be produced 3-4 times per year but the interval for them is not clear. This dataset has previously been called Local Rating Lists: Business Rates. Archived copies of this dataset are available from 2013. Prior to this, the content of the dataset was released as two separate datasets - Local Ratings List- Challenges and Local Ratings List:Changes. Copies of these are available for 2010 to 2012.
These data are drawn from government administrative data and can thus be considered high quality. A data and methodology report, featuring a comment on data quality, is provided alongside the statistical release.
This dataset draws on government administrative data
Freely accessible datasets for 2014 and 2015 data are available via the Valuation Office Agency website. The National Archive contains 'Local Ratings List: Business Rates' datasets for 2013 and early 2014. It also contains separate 'Local Ratings List: Challenges' and 'Local Ratings List: Changes' datasets for 2010-2012
Government attitudes to research use of the their data appear favourable.