Data Type:Administrative
These live tables contain information on district planning authority planning applications, decisions and enforcement activity; 'county matters' planning authority applications, decisions and enforcement activity; local planning authority performance and permitted development rights
A current live table is provided. Historical live tables for the quarterly planning application statistics covering January 2008 to June 2012 are available from The National Archives Historical live tables and statistical releases for the annual development control statistics covering 2004-05 to 2008-09 are available on site.This annual release was discontinued during 2009, but most of the information that was provided is now included in the quarterly planning application releases. Data tables in the earlier editions on the National Archive include figures dating back to 1998-99.
As government administrative data these can be considered relatively high quality. They offer complete coverage of England
A current live table is provided. Historical live tables for the quarterly planning application statistics covering January 2008 to June 2012 are available from The National Archives. Additional live tables covering more recent historical quarters can be obtained by request from Historical live tables and statistical releases for the annual development control statistics covering 2004-05 to 2008-09 are also available on the National Archive. This annual release was discontinued during 2009, but most of the information that was provided is now included in the quarterly planning application releases.
Government attitudes to research use of their data appear favourable.