Data Type:Administrative
This dataset contains National Statistics on authorities that undertake district and county level planning activities in England. It covers information on planning applications received and decided including decisions on applications for residential developments (dwellings) and enforcement activities
Some summary statistics provided are provided on an annual rather than quarterly basis
PS1/2 (PSF) and CPS1/2 returns (which the dataset is based on) undergo thorough validation and checks. June 2015 quarter - 100% response rate. Also, for the most recent publication, data are refreshed and re-imputed for the previous ten quarters. This takes account of data submitted or revised since figures were last published and is in line with Departmental statisticians agreed revisions policy for housing and planning statistics.
Freely accessible live tables are provided for most recent statistics. Publications for 2010 onwards are also provided. Historical live tables for the quarterly planning application statistics covering January 2008 to June 2012 are available from The National Archives. To obtain live tables covering more recent historical quarters please contact
Government attitudes to research use of their data appear favourable