Published by Northern Ireland Housing Executive in 2013
Data Type:Sample survey
Commercial rental data has been combined with NIHE rent data. The NIHE rental data is used to calculate the Local Housing Allowance received for the administration of private sector housing benefit. In order to combine the data sets, the NIHE rent data has been adjusted to the preferred monthly frequency and adjusted upward by property type to be inclusive of (domestic) rates. Sample survey of data (for example, the report for January - June 2015 was based on a sample of 11,443 rental transactions for the first half of 2015).
Bi-annually. Figures for the private rented sector in the Belfast Metropolitan area are available from 2009.
Data has been cleansed to remove outlier. Further methodological information available from NIHE website.
Free to download from the NIHE website
Seems favourable to data use for research. The development of the research has been done in conjunction with the University of Ulster.
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