Published by Scottish Government in 2015
Data Type:Administrative
These datasets contains information on:Valuation Roll Showing Total Numbers of Subjects and Rateable Value, Valuation Roll by Property Classification Code, Council Tax,Information on Updates to the Portal and Statistical Details of Non-Domestic Revaluation Appeals
The datasets provided here are generated upon request and thus utilise the most recent data submitted to portal. Data in the portal are refreshed every 14 days. It is not clear whether data for previous time periods could be obtained by request.
These are administrative data for tax purposes and so can be considered high quality. They offer full coverage of all 32 local authorities within Scotland.
A freely available data table is provided relating to the most recent data. It is unclear whether data for additional years could be provided upon request.
No expression has been made from the Scottish Assessors Association in relation to research use of their data. However, as a government department, they may be receptive to it.
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