Published by Scottish Government in 2004
Data Type:Administrative
The Scottish Housing Quality Standard (SHQS) is a measure of the quality of the housing stock. It is an aggregation of the results from 49 different programme modules aggregated into 5 higher-level categories which in turn provide a single pass/fail classification for all dwellings. The 5 higher level classifications are: below the tolerable standard; energy efficient; modern facilities and services; healthy, safe and secure; and free from serious disrepair. This indicator shows the Number of dwelings that fail the Scottish Housing Quality Standard in Scotland.
Technical information available from the Scottish Government webpage
Count and Ratio
Years 2004-2011 available freely on the Scottish Government Statistics website. PDF Progress reports available from the Scottish Housing Regulator website for the years 2007/08-2012/13
Government attitudes to research use of their data appear favourable
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