Scottish Vacant and Derelict Land Survey

Published by Scottish Government (Communities Analytical Services) in 1996

Data Type:Administrative

This dataset contains information on the extent and state of vacant and derelict land in Scotland, and the amount that has been reclaimed on an annual basis.


1996 - On-going (Annual)

Although the survey has been in operation since 1988, data are only provided from 1996

Dataset Quality

Although this represents a survey of all 32 local authorities, not all authorities submit returns each year. The dataset release contains a table detailing which councils responded each year. For the 2014 survey, only Dumfries and Galloway did not respond.

Dataset Access and Use

Accessible data tables are provided with the most recent bulletin. This includes time series data for some measures from 2008 and 2010. Additional bulletins are provided 1996 onwards.

Government attitudes to research use of their data appear favourable


Coverage: Scotland

Units: Local authority

Data are sourced from all local authorities and the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park Authority

Coverage map
