Data Type:Administrative
These data contain information on sales of social housing stock whether owned by local authorities or private registered providers. The most common of these sales are by the Right to Buy (and preserved Right to Buy) scheme
Measures at the England level are provided from 1980. Those provided for local authorities are slightly summarised with full data only from 1998. Right-to-Buy data is provided quarterly, however, other measures such as social housing sales are provided annually.
The LOGASNet figures are audited annually by local authorities and continuously quality assured by DCLG, both of which can result in revisions (see Revisions Policy). The figures are compared against those supplied through the annual LAHS return for consistency, which again can result in revisions. Every effort is made to collect data from every local authority but in occasional instances estimates may be used. Care should be taken using data at a local authority level as the totals are low and therefore can be volatile.
Freely accessible tables are provided on the DCLG website.
Government attitudes to research use of their data appear favourable.
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