Supporting People Client Statistics (Housing Statistics for Scotland)

Published by Scottish Government in 2003

Data Type:Administrative

This dataset contains information on people receiving services funded through the Supporting People programme


2003 - 2008 (Annual)

Data are provided on a financial year basis i.e. 2003/4, 2004/5, 2005/6, 2006/7, 2007/8. Ring-fenced funding was removed from the Supporting People programme in 2008 and this statistical release was thus discontinued.

Dataset Quality

These data have full coverage of all 32 local authorities in Scotland. However, the levels of information provided by councils has varied between them. The details of inconsistencies/differences within data provided are detailed in the first sheet of all data releases.

These data are drawn from local authority administrative data

Dataset Access and Use

Freely accessible datasets for all years are provided via the Scottish Government website

Government attitudes to research use of their data appear favourable.


Coverage: Scotland

Units: Local authority

Coverage map
